Nikki Dyer

Nikki Dyer MSc MCSP
Nikki qualified as a physiotherapist in 1990 and has extensive experience having worked both in the NHS and various private settings including GP practices, corporate clinics and leisure facilities in London and the South East. In 2002 Nikki completed an MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy at Brighton University and is a member of the MACP (Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists). Since 2007 she has also specialised in the treatment of Women's Health which focuses on female conditions of the pelvis and pelvic floor and includes gynaecological conditions such as continence, prolapse and musculoskeletal conditions associated with the Ante- and Post-natal period. Nikki is an associate member of the Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Women's Health Clinical Interest group (POGP). Nikki is happy to discuss your women's health issues in confidence and work with you to achieve an appropriate treatment plan.
Nikki is also a Mummy MOT Practitioner. She is avaialble by appointment to provide musculo/skeletal & pelvic screening postnatally