Women's Health

Our specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapist is available (by appointment) to treat a variety of conditions associated with Women’s Health in the comfort and confidentiality of one of our Healthflex clinics. She will assess and treat the musculo-skeletal problems that can occur pre and post childbirth. She is also able to treat bladder and bowel problems including stress incontinence.
Antenatal and Postnatal services includes:
- All types of musculoskeletal pain (Low back and Thoracic)
- Pelvic Girdle Pain including SIJ and Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction
- Divarication Of Recti (Abdominal) muscles
- Urinary Incontinence
- Perineal Trauma post delivery
- Advance Therapy for Pelvic Pain
- Advice and teaching appropriate core stability exercises
Continence Issues in any women over age 18:
- Bladder and Bowel dysfunctions
- Stress, Urge and Mixed Incontinence
- All types of mild/moderate Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Modified exercise programs;
- Modified Pilates in Woman’s Health
- Individual sessions, to improve core pelvic stability and improved abdominal
and pelvic floor control, available to women of all ages.
The Mummy MOT
Nikki Dyer (Mummy MOT Practitioner) is available by appointment to provide this service.
A Mummy MOT is a specialist postnatal assessment for women following both vaginal and caesarean deliveries. It will assess how your posture, breathing, pelvic floor muscles and stomach muscles are recovering after birth. And if they’re not, then we can provide you with advice, exercises and treatment to help in your recovery and to return to exercise safely.
It is suitable from 6-8 weeks postnatal (after your GP check), although The Mummy MOT® is for all women who have given birth and still suffering in some way, whether 6 weeks or many years after.
Already part of every new mother’s standard postnatal rehabilitation in France, trained specialists assesses the strength and function of the tummy and pelvic floor muscles to help prevent long-term childbirth related complaints.
For further details please visit https://www.themummymot.com/about/
For further information please contact Nikki at Healthflex Haslemere.